
Management and Marketing Consultancy

Management Consultancy

Management Consultancy

As management consultants we help organisations to solve issues, create value, maximise growth and improve business performance. They use their business skills to provide objective advice and expertise, and help an organisation to develop any specialist skills that it may be lacking.
We are concerned primarily with the strategy, structure, management and operations of the client company. Our role is to identify options for the client organisation and suggest recommendations for change, as well as advising on additional resources to implement solutions.

Types of work can include:

• business strategy

• e-business

• financial and management controls

• human resources

• information technology

• marketing

• supply chain management

Consultancy firms range from those that offer end-to-end solutions to smaller or more niche firms that offer specialist expertise and skills in certain industry areas..

Marketing Consultancy

As marketing consultants we works with companies to create and implement marketing strategies. These strategies are centered on the core of the business and what services and products are offered. As consultant we help create a detailed marketing plan, determine the marketing message, and identify the appropriate marketing mix to get the message out. We will then follow the plan through, and work to execute and implement the marketing strategy. We will monitor results, tweak as necessary and ensure that the companies get the best results from our marketing efforts.